There are so many things about character creation and party structure in this game that are questionable that I just shake my head and accept the lack of choice inherent in the system.

Why can't I roll dice for ability scores? Why can't I really nerf one ability to make another really good. If I was sitting at a table and rolled one of those characters I would be rerolling in a heart beat. It's my game and I should be able to min max if I want to.

Not being able to build a powerhouse party or a group of less than optimal companions detracts from my enjoyment of the game in many ways. I also have very little use for the npcs I'm forced to use. Sure they have story beats that advance the plot but you know after trying to replay the game, I find the story detracts from the replay value. The original games (BG I & II) did this too but at least I could make a solo multiplayer play through and skip all the tedious infighting and power plays of the plot characters, especially the back stabbing and arguments amongst the rest of the group.

This might be a tad off topic, but these things tend to affect each other and I feel the need to vent my feelings on the subject.