Originally Posted by Princeps08
Since you played a ranger can you tell us if they changed anything on favored enemy and if you know how it and natural explorer progress at higher levels?

I didn't look carefully at the favoured enemies or terrains, but on a quick glance they looked the same as EA.

I also didn't see anything obvious that would tell us more about how the classes progress, which is a bit of a disappointment as I think that's sorely lacking. Obviously not quite as bad given we'll apparently be able to respec, though I'd rather have the info and make the right choices up front than have to relevel because I later discover something that would have changed my earlier decisions (I didn't catch any glimpse of how respeccing might work).

That said, I've not totally given up hope. I certainly didn't spend more than a small fraction of the time in character creation that I could have, and I rushed levelling up so I could carry on playing, so it is entirely possible I missed something.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"