Originally Posted by fylimar
Well seeing how much it is talked about on reddit, how many videos popped up about the bear sex on youtube (I was searching for the PfH, since I hadn't time to watch it and youtube suggested me Panel from Hell bear sex - so that was probably a very popular search the last days.
So maybe it was a clever markteng move. Not my cup of tea, but I guess a lot of people are at least curious about it.

I thought it was a brilliant marketing tactic, and I bet the knew exactly what they were doing. Any publicity is good publicity as people that have not heard or were on the fence about this game will go and research more and find all the other cool things they've added. Plus if the company is willing to go that far with the player choices, what other things have they implemented?
It very much reminds me of all the FoxNews outrage about Mass Effect having a side-boob scene.

"There are three things that are strength incarnate: there is love of life, there is fear of death, and there is family. A family that loves death would have a strong pull indeed." - Tamoko