Originally Posted by Doomlord
I watch this guy on Youtube His channel is called Riches and Liches, it has nothing to do with video games just straight dnd lore and Dm'ing ideas, good stuff Imo

He has one video on Death Knights, which made me start thinking of Lord Soth again. I've always wanted to build this but it just seems impossible in a video game. What do you think? any Idea's

I have a couple.. just not sure they would pan out. It would involve multi Classing.

Obviously being undead is out of the question.

Paladin oath breaker / Would be cool if we could keep the vengeance sub class as well.
Then muli class into a Cleric of Myrkul or Bane.

Im going to want to have undead followers, was even thinking of wizard as well, but damn now im stretching my stats to thin.

Powers and abilities
"Although evil and filled with an intense hatred for all living creatures, most of the time Soth retains a semblance of the pride he held as a Solamnic knight, and fights honorably. He will never ambush an opponent from behind, nor does he strike before his enemy can ready his weapon. Aside from these facts, however, Soth is a terrible enemy. An undead abomination, Soth has inhuman strength, which is further enhanced by his skill with the sword; something that he learned as a former Knight of the Rose. Soth also can cast various type of spells, including huge fireballs, magical words which stun or kill enemies, ice walls, cone of cold, etc. With a single word, Soth can snuff the life out of a red dragon (thus Power Word: Kill), or shatter the great city gate of Palanthas, which was formerly known as the "Unconquered City."

So this has me thinking of dropping the cleric or I could go Light over war and tempest for the fire ball,

or I could drop the cleric and go wizard it is curious how Lord Soth gets the spell he has, unable to find this as of yet

actually, I think Cleric will be better as I can keep wisdom and not have to invest in Int, and lets face it Im not going to be able to create lord Soth with 12th being the cap. And that cool, its not a complaint as much as just fact.

The damned thing is we only get one 6th lv spell slot, and a couple 5th insect plague and flame strike, hmm yea this would just be for RP flavor. Oh yea the juices are flowing.

another bummer, clerics only destroy undead, I need to need to be able to create them.

Last edited by Doomlord; 24/07/23 02:10 AM.

DRAGON FIRE-AND DOOM Dragons? Splendid things, lad-so long as ye look upon them only in tapestries, or in the masks worn at revels, or from about three realms off...
Astragarl Hornwood, Mage of Elembar - Year of the Tusk