Originally Posted by N7Greenfire
I want good games, which is why I don't like Bethesda. Their "open world" games feel almost like a mockery. Fallout 4 is a good example.

Bethesda I deem *terrible* at plot and story - But incredible at making exploration and a sense of true roleplay that speaks to the imagination. For some reason, the stories you find in computer terminals and books and scrolls and such are way better than the game's story. Now. I certainly agree with the quality issues you present, but I *love* the modding community for it. I recognise exactly what you point out, but then, someone else did too and made a mod for it. Tailoring the game to your wants and needs is something I love about those games. That with their sense of freedom, I loose myself entirely in those worlds.

Notice how on these forums we all want something else out of the game? Often we see eye to eye, but what I find necessary, someone else find ludicrous. Not a problem in Bethesda games. There is a Skryim to be made for everyone, even if you want Thomas the Tank Engine or Lightsabers.

And, even aside from mods - They do something really right, too. I worked at a little game studio when Skyrim came out. Half the office had requested leave, there wasn't a creative in the building. Same with the TV guys a floor above us. The next week as we all dripped back in, and this became the only thing discussed over coffee - many of the colleagues that never played games suddenly got into it, and were hooked. And stayed hooked.

Fear my wrath, for it is great indeed.