(Heya Kanisatha, I'm lurking and commenting on occasion ^.^ To be fair, Maximuus, I'm pretty sure the lootable vases and grass count comments were intended as deliberately sarcastic by Dex... internet text conveyance and all that.)

As I said Dex (enhanced emphasis added)...

... You could do the same back at me for metrics by which BG3 exceeds BG1 or 2, but that would be irrelevant to the point which is that, no, BG3 is not objectively better than its predecessors in every way besides subjective elements. That's simple not true. It does not matter how many ways you care to define or point out that BG3 is better than its predecessors, it is unarguably not better in every way beside subjective matters. You know this, I know this - everyone knows this, as a simple matter of course, and it's easy enough to acknowledge it, and still present your own opinion, if you are an honest participant in the conversation.

So the fact that you then proceeded to... do exactly that and list a handful of metrics by which one game exceeded the other, tells me that you did not engage with what was said, and did not read it with a discerning eye; you just wanted to look for something to argue about.

Which I'm not interested in doing.

This issue that I dropped in to post about was, very specifically, your doubled down assertion that BG3 was objectively better than Bg1 and 2 in Every way, besides the subjective. That's not true, and you know that's not true.
You might perhaps say that BG3 is better than its predecessors in every way that matters, but you're introducing your own subjectivity to it if you do that. The main point is that you cannot attempt to strengthen your case by making claims of objective superiority, when those claims are known to be false and ridiculous by everyone present - including yourself, and I give you the benefit of the doubt on that, because it's been adequately demonstrated already.

Such claims are hyperbole - and mixing talk of objective and and subjective truth with hyperbolic statements just makes the speaker look foolish and ignorant. You are capable of being better than that.

I am not, personally, interested in discussing which game was better; I'm interested in reading folks discuss, reasonably and in good faith, meaningful comparisons that they personally feel are worth focusing on. You don't get to be the final arbiter on which elements are worth comparing or judging the games over - you just get to give your own opinion on whether those metrics are meaningful or not. You can tell others that you don't think things like affectations of time passage, total companion options and active companion count, or volume of class and subclass options are reasonable or worthwhile metrics to compare and judge the games on, and that's a perfectly valid opinion to have, but it's not an objective truth and it's not grounds for you to shut down or dismiss others who feel that those metrics are of value to consider. To be clear - those considerations are not ones I raised; I merely quoted them back as examples so far used by other people in this thread, who believe they are worthwhile considerations.