I mean I'm glad you like the class and everything but in terms of DPS? Nearly everything you mentioned is better done by another class. Astarian with two daggers will do more damage with a sneak attack at level 2 than a Warlock will do at level 5. And if you aren't using that charisma for roleplay purposes dexterity is the one stat that rules them all. Initiative, trap disarming etc. Rogue does better in terms of DPS.

Admittedly the rogue can be just as boring as Warlock but Larian did a nice job of making a compelling animation for the attack.

Yes everyone build the non Tav Warlock the same way - agonizing blast, repelling blast. But Lae'zel gets bonus round push at level 1 that succeeds more often than a Warlock hits at level 4 and you at higher levels you can combine that with pushing attack to try twice. So you might enjoy trading a weapon master for a repelling blast Warlock but it's not a good decision in terms of DPS. And, of course, thunderwave from a sorcerer or wizard . . .

And by the time you get the potent robe you are at least level six which makes the favorable comparison to a sorcerer problematic.

Now I will grant that Warlock could be better if there was time pressure in the game and you needed use cantrips instead of spells. But truth be told my evo wizard rarely uses cantrips. On balanced there are no penalties for sleeping to restore spells. Indeed I need to remind myself to sleep to advance the story.

I do grant that hunger of hardar is a great spell that is good for crowd control and it comes earlier than do spells like insect plague etc but there's no comparing the party support of cleric to a Warlock.

Imo, the 5e warlock has the same problem as the 3.5 bard - it does lots of things but doesn't any of them very well.

Fun discussion smile