Originally Posted by Lotus Noctus
One can only hope that Larian's modding support will be good enough to keep up...
Well, we didn't get a toolset at release like with their previous two games (which was a nightmare to work in, but was actually rather powerful - sadly, specifically due to how user-unfriendly it was there barely were any campaigns and the like), and the promised "mod support" sounds more like something akin to the Bethesda Creation Club (cross-platform curated mods accessible from within the game, albeit free and devoid of predatory practices) than what the PC audience has been used to for more than two decades at this point. Anything controversial will still have to be downloaded externally, and player-made modules akin to NWN are quite likely not happening.

I wouldn't get my hopes up is what I am saying. But I could be wrong. The closest thing to NWN-like modding is what Solasta offers, but it's still very limited by comparison. In the meantime I guess one could wait for Baldur's Gate: Reloaded 2 (the NWN2 module) to release, it's been "coming soon" for a while now.