Ok I finally finished this, took forever. It can live here...

Shows the BG3 party composition for the 10 recruitable companions, without repetition.

Party of 4

(player +3, no repeats)

[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]

Party of 5

(player +4, no repeats)

[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]

Almost twice as many comps when we include a 5th party member, like in the Adjustable Party Limit mod mentioned above.

For a Party of 6 there'd be 42 more comps on top of that, but you can get a sense for the pattern. I still think 6 would be optimal, but just having a 5th means that there are significantly more Comps for the active party, even if keeping the companions at 10 total in the roster.

The question/challenge would be, does each of those potential comps feel distinct enough? Like does a given specific party combination provide sufficient unique interactions or endings, or something to set it apart from the other active party combos? When all the characters are available at camp, not as much, but there is still the equipping and banter, the roving commentary and the final ascent to face the Brain. Also if keeping the Characters' default Stats/Class (say no respecs) then each potential comp is more consequential.

I did the break downs there by the likely recruitment order, along the most straightforward/obvious path to grabbing the companions.

The downside of the Adjustable Party Limit Mod is that we have to Dismiss companions back down to 4 before Long Resting, but it's not too bad and the Mod reminds us. For me this lightly encourages pushing the Long Rest, which seems thematic, especially at the start of the campaign.

Overall I prefer the gameflow this way. Combat seems faster to me and the encounters run pretty smoothly, even with the somewhat lackluster pathing and lack of formation control. Difficulty/Challenge is a separate issue, purely from the standpoint of pacing and party comp variability I think going up to 6 has a lot to recommend it, but even going up to 5 makes a big difference.

Last edited by Black_Elk; 09/09/24 08:27 PM.