This is a weird one but maybe I can launch with a new command sparameter to resize the window. I have three monitors (two display at 1920x1080, the one I wanted to play is native 2560x1440) when I launched game I tried to move it over and unlike every time in the past- nothing happened until I decided to go to windowed and drag it to correct monitor. As soon as I did the window exploded to 2560x1440 and I can't click it closed since the hot corner is offscreen now!Any ideas? Are there llaunch comands to size window and select monitor?


****UPDATE found the support faq and they do have several related topics and means to edit, so huzzah. Not sure what wwill work but the support faq is pretty thorough.

DONE! Problems with screen size can be quick fixed by following directions here:

In my case I used Notepad++ simple free text editor to find the values for screen height and width changing value to 1920 and 1080 and save.

Last edited by lightzall; 27/12/22 02:16 AM.

No other game has rewarded my low impulse control with so many glorious unintended consequences.