The conversation options after the exorcism with Jahan and Lohse have him asking to come with you to hunt the demon.

"To the city of arx you must go. I will travel with you if I may"

If you say yes (Nod with the last of your strength, tell him where vengeance is docked):

a) he says he will be on the vengeance, teleports there, and them becomes uninteractable
b) your journal updates with the note "I declined Jahan's offer. I will travel to arx and hunt the demon myself."

If you say no (Shake your head with the last of your strength. This ends here):

a) he says "then let the world prepare for it's end"
b) your journal updates with the note "I accepted Jahan's offer. We'll travel to arx and hunt the demon together."
c) Jahan remains in camp but is interactable. Talking to him, he says "The city of arx awaits. I think i'll catch myself an arch-demon come Lucian's day."

Sounds like the wrong outcomes got attached to the conversation options.

Is this the right place to post a bug like this?

It's my preference to fix it somehow before continuing the game.