
Fight on some stairs in the church ruins you get to via the hatch.

Find and push a secret button that makes all undead hate you.

Grease up the stairs while you wait for melee zombies to approach.

When they get to the top, shove them back down.

What happened:

Enemy got knocked back off the stairs and became prone. (Expected)
Enemy stood up next turn. (Expected)
Enemy spent something like 30-60 seconds considering his turn.
Enemy did nothing on his turn.
Next turn, the same repeated -- long long delay, skipped turn.
After second turn, giant graphical spike of doom manifested through opponent.
This spike glows when pressing Left Alt.
After death, he flails all limbs like a nightmare and phases through the floor.
After combat, when talking to party member, there's a zombie just chillin'.

Pictures here:

Last edited by Tanaric; 06/10/20 09:20 PM. Reason: More details