So I had quite unfortunate turn of events today. I was messing around with my computer last night and today morning it wouldn't boot anymore. I figured out the reason but that doesn't really matter here. Unfortunately I had to reinstall Windows to fix it.

I was under the impression that Original Sin had Steam cloud saving support but apparently I was wrong so I just lost my save games. Already tried using HDD file recovery but I had no luck, they're gone. I was ~30 hours into the game so restarting the whole game and playing 30 hours of repeated content doesn't sound very intriguing.

Would anyone be so kind as to upload their similiar save files for me to use? It would be nice if the game progress would be as close to mine as possible. I definitely don't want to get spoiled so I'd rather have a save that is a little behind me instead of ahead, it doesn't really matter if I have to replay a few hours worth of content.

Here's what I had:
  • I mostly picked "good" choices in quests, let most people live etc.
  • Done with pretty much everything in Cyseal & Hiberheim
  • Luculla Forest progress: Immaculate Trials done, Spider Queen killed, Goblin Village cleared, Troll King killed, I haven't gone to the mines or the fiery place in the north yet....
I think that's about all the major ones. Liek I said it doesn't have to be perfect, just something similiar.

Thanks in advance!!

Last edited by boocha; 26/07/14 04:22 PM.