-Story prominence! I'd like to see a bit more of it. Original sin had a good story but it was almost background noise at times. Let's get some real connection there for the player.

-Character relationships. I'm not just talking romance but genuine friendship. Let's see how our companions feel about each other and shape how we feel about them and how they feel about us.

-A social impact. While there was a small amount of social impact in Original sin I'd like to see it improved upon. I saved your brother from drowning, I'd say that earns me a discount in your shop, being addressed as your friend, etc.

-Immersion. I'd like to see things that really convince me this is a whole world. Children for one, characters going about daily routines instead of standing in the same place at all times saying the same line over and over.

-Weather, time of day etc. It'd just be neat-o

Obviously I'm a story focused gamer. To me the gameplay was really great in Original sin. Not a fan of turn based combat but that's a personal gripe and it wouldn't make sense for them to change it in the sequel. I LOVE the use of spells out of combat for travel, barrier removal, etc. It's just so cool!

"You either die the hero or live to see yourself brought back in the sequel as an angsty magical terrorist."
-Serious brownie points if you get the character to whom I am referring.-