Why even have dying in a game if you just pop right back up, with maybe a little gold or experience lost? Respawning tends to make game less challenging and less immersive, IMNSHO.

I made named saves periodically (whenever entering new buildings, using stairs, etc, if I had not otherwise saved recently), and used quicksaves as I was exploring. You can increase the number of quicksaves that the game uses (see the replies in the topic below).

Early Starter Tips (NON-Spoiler Version)

For the zombie Jake, you can use hit and run tactics with a bow (though the cellar is a little cramped). Meteorstrike can be cast repeatedly quite quickly, and has a bit of a stunning effect, so could take care of him relatively easily.
You can defeat Jake once more in Aleroth (check out the graveyard), and a final time elsewhere, after you leave Aleroth.

On level 1, if you defeat Jake once you get enough experience points to reach level 3; defeating him again will bring you up to level 4.

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